Lex et Iustitia
Vis legis prohibere malum est, permittere honestum;
Iustitia est semper ius dare cuique suum.
Source: Michaelis Verinus (c.1469-c.1487), Disticha. Meter: Elegiac. Note that malum and honestum are being used substantively, as the objects of the infinitives malum prohibere and honestum permittere.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
The power of law (vis legis est) is to prohibit what is wicked (prohibere malum), and to allow what is honorable (permittere honestum); justice is (iustitia est) to always give to each (semper dare cuique) what is rightfully theirs (ius suum).
iustitia (iustitiae, f.): justice, righteousness
dō dare dedī datum: give
et: and
honestus -a -um: honorable
iūs iūris n.: right, justice, law
lēx lēgis: f. law
malus -a -um: bad, evil; male: (adv.) badly
permittō -mittere -mīsī -missum: yield, allow, permit
prohibeō -ēre -uī -itum: restrain, keep away
quis- quae- quidque: each one, everyone
semper: always, ever
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
suus -a -um: his own, her own, its own
vīs f.: force; (acc.) vim, (abl.) vī; (pl.) vīrēs, strength