Spes Proxima
Obiiciat nobis quicquid Fortuna malorum,
Iuncta animo vitae spes bona semper adest.
Source: Georgius Carolides (1569-1612), Farrago, 5.91. Meter: Elegiac. Note the use of the genitive with quicquid, "whatever (of) evil," quicquid malorum.
Whatever evil (quicquid malorum) Fortune might throw in our way (obiiciat nobis Fortuna), good hope (spes bona) is always with us (semper adest), conjoined to the spirit of life (iuncta animo vitae).
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
obiiciō, obiicere: throw before, present
adsum adesse affuī: be present
animus -ī m.: spirit, mind
bonus -a -um: good
fortūna -ae f.: fortune
iungō iungere iūnxī iūnctum: join
malus -a -um: bad, evil; male: (adv.) badly
nōs nostrum/nostrī nobis nōs: we
prope: near, next; (comp.) propior, (superl.) proximus; (adv.) propē, nearly, almost
quisquis quidquid: whoever, whichever
semper: always, ever
spēs speī f.: hope
vīta -ae f.: life