Domus Optima
Est sua cuique domus tutissimus usque receptus;
Hanc ceu testudo femina casta colat.

The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are three words which are not on the DCC list:
receptus, receptūs m. - retreat, place of refuge
testūdo, testūdinis f. - tortoise, turtle, shell
castus -a -um - guiltless, pure, chaste
testūdo, testūdinis f. - tortoise, turtle, shell
castus -a -um - guiltless, pure, chaste
castus -a -um: pure, spotless, chaste
colo colere coluī cultum: inhabit, cultivate
domus -ūs f.: house, home
fēmina -ae f.: woman
hic, haec, hoc: this; hōc, on this account
optimus -a -um: best, excellent; adv. optimē
quis-, quae-, quidque: each one, everyone
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
suus -a -um: his own, her own, its own
tutus -a -um: safe, protected
ūsque: up to; continuously