Infligat Mars multa licet tibi vulnera, non tam
Mars nocet armatus, quam tibi nuda Venus.
Though Wars give bloody Skarrs, yet more are harm’d
By naked Venus, than by Mars when arm’d.
Though Wars give bloody Skarrs, yet more are harm’d
By naked Venus, than by Mars when arm’d.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are only three words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:
armo -āre: arm, equip
inflīgō -ere, inflixī, inflictum - strike, inflict, impose
licet conj. - although, granted that
Mars, Martis m. - Mars (Ares), god of war, war
Venus, Veneris f. - Venus, goddess of love, love
mīles -itis m.: soldier
multus -a -um: much, many; multō, by far
noceō nocēre nocuī: harm
nōn: not
nūdus -a -um: naked, bare
quam: how?; (after comparative) than
tam: so
tū tuī tibi tē: you (sing.)
vulnus -eris n.: wound