Here is today's emblem and distich by
Joachim Camerarius, 3:5. The saying alludes to a Latin proverb:
Cornix aquilam provocat, "the crow is provoking the eagle," which is an ironic proverb - because, as this emblem explains, a wicked and noisy bird such as the crow should not be able to disturb the noble eagle's mind, and the eagle likewise should disdain to harass the crows in turn. The motto then poses the question: will I be moved therefore (when harassed by noisy and annoying person)...? The answer, of course, should be, no:
non movebor! Meanwhile, the emblem shows the eagle with three birds who are antithetical to the eagle in some way: the crow, as discussed in the poem, along with the hoopoe and the owl.
Ergo Movebor?
Nunquam aquila imbelles cornices celsa fatigat,
Nec generosum animum lingua maligna movet.
Here is the vocabulary:
ergo - therefore
moveo - move
nunquam - never
aquila - eagle
imbellis - unwarlike
cornix - crow
celsus - high, lofty
fatigo - harass, weary, tire
nec - and not, nor
generosus - noble, generous
animus - spirit, mind
lingua - tongue
malignus - wicked, evil