For, loe, before the Tables of the Lawe,If you look at the emblem you will see that the tablets of the law bear an inscription of their own: Deus Proximus, as the hand of God itself wields the weapons of the sacred law.
A naked Sword is borne, whose use may bee
As well to keepe in Safety, as in Awe.
Whence, Princes (if they please) this note may take,
(And it shall make them happily to raigne)
That, many good and wholsome Lawes to make
Without an Executioner, is vaine.
Lex Regit et Arma Tuentur
Lex regit, et hostes contra ducis arma tuentur
Hunc populum legis, qui sacra iussa facit.
The Law is given to direct;
The Sword, to punish and protect.
The Sword, to punish and protect.
Here is the vocabulary:
lex - law
rego - direct, guide, rule
et - and
arma - weapons, arms
tueor - protect, watch over
hostis - enemy, hostile
contra - against
dux - leader, general
hic - this, this one
populus - people, populace
qui - who, which, that
sacer - holy, sacred
iussum - order, command
facio - make