Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sequitur Sua Poena Nocentem

Here is today's emblem and distich by Gabriel Rollenhagen, Book 1.57, with an English rendering by George Wither. The emblem shows the villainous Ixion, who is famously punished in the Greek underworld by being stretched on a wheel. What was his crime? Ixion was a guest of Zeus on Olympus, seated at the table of the Gods. Even so, Ixion lusted after Zeus' wife, Hera. Zeus was outraged and created a cloud mirage of Hera, which Ixion attempted to rape. Zeus then blasted Ixion with a thunderbolt and ordered Hermes to tie Ixion to a fiery wheel spinning for all eternity. So, whatever crime you commit, punishment is sure to come, limping but lively.

Sequitur Sua Poena Nocentem
Ultio certa manet; sequitur sua poena nocentem;
Ante expectatum, clauda ea viva venit.

By Guiltines, Death entred in
And, Mischiefe still pursueth Sinne.

Here is the vocabulary:

sequor - follow
suus - reflexive possessive
poena - punishment
noceo - do harm, injure
ultio - revenge
certus - certain
maneo - remain, await
ante - before
expecto - expect, anticipate
claudus - limping
is - he/she/it
vivus - alive, living
venio - come