Utere quaesitis modice: cum sumptus abundat,
Labitur exiguo, quod partum est tempore longo.
Spend sparingly thy gains: with wasting vain
Soon wealth is lost that took long time to gain.
Make temperate use of gains: when all is cost,
What took long time to get is quickly lost.
Soon wealth is lost that took long time to gain.
Make temperate use of gains: when all is cost,
What took long time to get is quickly lost.
Here is the vocabulary:
utor - use
quaero - seek, search, obtain
modicus - moderate, temperate
cum - when
sumptus - charge, cost
abundo - abound, exceed, overflow
labor - slip, slide
exiguus - small, meager, short
qui - who, which, that
pario - give birth to, produce, acquire
tempus - time
longus - long, lengthy