Friday, March 30, 2012

In Virtute Et Fortuna

Here is today's emblem and distich by Gabriel Rollenhagen, Book 1.89, with an English rendering by George Wither. Here are the opening lines of Wither's poem:
When, in this Emblem here, observe you shall
An Eaglet, perched, on a Winged-ball
Advanced on an Altar; and, have ey'd
The Snakes, assayling him, on ev'ry side:
Me thinkes, by that, you straight should apprehend
Their state, whom Wealth, and Vertue, doe befriend.
My Iudgement, by that Altar-stone, conceives
The sollidnesse, which, true Religion gives;
And, that fast-grounded goodnesse, which, we see,
In grave, and sound Morality, to be.
The eagle, of course, is the proverbial enemy of snakes, the archetypal creature of the air opposed to the archetypal creatures of the earth.

In Virtute Et Fortuna
In Virtute meam Fortunam colloco; vincam
Hac ratione nigram fortiter invidiam.

He needs not feare, what spight can doe
Whom Vertue friends, and Fortune, too.

Here is the vocabulary:

in - in, into
virtus - excellence, virtue
et - and
fortuna - luck, fortune
meus - my, mine
colloco - position, arrange
vinco - win, conquer, be victorious
hic - this, this one
ratio - reason
niger - black, dark
fortiter - strongly
invidia - envy