The Royall-Scepter, Kingly power, implyes;Instead of wearing the crown, the king himself is the crown of the kingdom, symbolically speaking.
The Crowne-Imperiall, Glorie, signifies:
And, by these joyn'd in one, we understand,
A King, that is an honour to his Land.
Regni Corona Rex
Qui scit honore bonos cumulare et plectere sontes,
Rex erit is regni, vera corona, sui.
A King, that prudently Commands
Becomes the glory of his Lands.
Becomes the glory of his Lands.

Here is the vocabulary:
regnum - kingdom
corona - crown
rex - king
qui - who, which, that
scio - know, know how to
honor - public office, honor
bonus - good
cumulo - pile up, accumulate
et - and
plecto - beat, punish
sons - criminal
sum - be, exist
is - he/she/it
verus - true
suus - reflexive possessive adj.