Anagramma. Galenus Angelus
Angelus es bonus anne malus, Galene? Salutis
Humanae custos angelus, ergo bonus.
Galen, art Angel good or bad? A god
Angel, preserving Health, if understood.
Galen, art Angel good or bad? A god
Angel, preserving Health, if understood.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are three words which are not on the DCC list:
angelus, ī m. - messenger, angel
Galenus - Galen
hūmānus -a -um - human
an: or
bonus -a -um: good
cūstōs, cūstōdis m.: guardian
ergo: therefore
malus -a -um: evil
-ne: interrogative particle attached to the emphatic word in a question
salūs -ūtis f.: health, safety
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist