Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Here is today's distich by John Owen, with an English translation by Thomas Harvey, 10.55. June 11 marked the summer solstice in the old calendar.

Undecimo Iuni tua par sors laeta videtur,
Post noctem fulsit lux tibi longa brevem.

Like Junes eleventh Day the Fate shine bright,
A long-long day succeeds thy short-short Night.

Here is the vocabulary:

beatus - blessed, happy
undecimus - eleventh
Iunius - June
tuus - your, yours
par - equal
sors - lot, allotment, fate
laetus - happy, joyful
video - see; videor - seem
post - after
nox - night
fulgeo - shine, glow, flitter
lux - light
longus - long, length
brevis - short, brief