Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cum sapias animo...

Here is today's distich by Cato (so-called), 4.18, with English translations by Duff and Chase.

Cum sapias animo, noli ridere senectam;
Nam quoicumque seni puerilis sensus inhaeret.

Flout not old age while thou dost sense possess;
Age ever brings to all some childishness.

Don't mock old age, though you've a gifted brain:
Old age must ever show a childish vein.

The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are three words which are not on the DCC list:

inhaereo, -ēre, inhaesī, inhaesum - stick in, adhere to
puerīlis, -e; puerīlis - youthful, boyish, childish
senecta, f. - old age (senecta aetas)

animus -ī m.: spirit, mind
cum: with (prep. + abl.); when, since, although (conjunction + subj.)
nam: for, indeed, really
nōlo nōlle, nōluī: be unwilling
quī-, quae-, quodcumque: who-, whatever
rīdeo -ēre rīsī rīsum: laugh, laugh at
sapio sapere sapīvī: be wise
senex -is m.: old man, elder; senior, older
sēnsus -ūs m.: feeling, emotion, sense