Non Dormit Qui Custodit
Detinet hunc non alta quies similisque sopori,
Qui vigili, nostras res, ratione, regit.
A Shepherd carefull of the Sheepe
At all times, faithfull Watch doth keepe.
At all times, faithfull Watch doth keepe.

Here is the vocabulary:
non - no
dormio - sleep
qui - who, which, that
custodio - guard, stand guard
detineo - hold, keep, occupy
hic - this, this one
altus - high, talle, deep
quies - quiet, rest
similis - like, similar
que - and
sopor - deep sleep
vigil - awake, alert
noster - our, ours
res - thing
ratio - reckoning, plan, reasoning
rego - rule, guide, direct