If, therefore, thou thy Spoylers, wilt beguile,In his nature emblems, Camerarius uses the armadillo as the nature emblem for Virtus Lorica Fidelis.
Thou must be armed, like this Crocodile;
Ev'n with such nat'rall Armour (ev'ry day)
As no man can bestowe, or take away:
For, spitefull Malice, at one time or other,
Will pierce all borrowed Armours, put together.
Virtus Lorica Fidelis
Rebus in adversis, Virtus lorica fidelis,
Negligit ambiguae tela maligna Deae.
True Vertue is a Coat of Maile
'Gainst which, no Weapons can prevaile.
'Gainst which, no Weapons can prevaile.

Here is the vocabulary:
virtus - excellence, courage, virtue
lorica - coat of mail, armor, fortification
fidelis - faithful, true, reliable
res - thing, affair
in - in, into
adversus - opposed, hostile
negligo - disregard, neglect
amgibuus - changeable, doubtful, fickle
telum - dart, spear, weapon
malignus - spiteful, wicked
dea - goddess