Here is today's distich by Martial, 6.87:
Di tibi dent et tu, Caesar, quaecumque mereris;
di mihi dent et tu quae volo, si merui.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
Caesar, Caesaris m. - Caesar, emperor
deus -ī m.; dea -ae f. god; goddess
do dare dedī datum: give
ego me mihi mē: I, me
et: and
mereo -ēre meruī meritum: deserve, merit; serve as a soldier
quī-, quae-, quodcumque: who-, whatever
qui, quae, quod: who, which, what; quis quid: who? what? which?
sī: if
tū tuī tibi tē: you (sing.)
volo velle voluī: wish, be willing