Friday, May 18, 2012

Quam Bona Pax

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Quam Bona Pax
Pacem ne vites; per pacem te quoque dites:
O quam difficiles sunt sine pace dies!

Source: Philosophia Patrum (ed. Wegeler), 841. Meter: Elegiac. Note the rhymes: vites-dites and difficiles-dies.

Do not avoid peace (pacem ne vites), and also enrich yourself (te quoque dites) through peace (per pacem): oh how difficult (o quam difficiles) are days (sunt dies) without peace (sine pace).

The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:

dītō, dītāre: make rich, enrich

diēs diēī m./f.: day
difficilis -e: not easy, hard, difficult
nē: lest, that not
pāx pācis f.: peace
per: through (+acc.)
quam: how?; (after comparative) than
quoque: also, too
sine: without (+ abl.)
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
tū tuī tibi tē: you (sing.)
vīto -āre: avoid, shun