Crimina Nostra
Cernimus alterius vitium cito; cernere nostrum
Non volumus: videat crimina quisque sua.
Source: Anton Moker (1540-1605), Decalogus Metricus. Meter: Elegiac. Note the use of the jussive subjunctive: quisque videat, "let each person see!"
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. All the words in this poem are on that list:
We quickly detect (cito cernimus) another person's flaw (alterius vitium); we do not want (non volumus) to see our own (cernere nostrum): let each person see (quisque videat) their own faults (sua crimina).
alter altera alterum: other of two
cernō cernere crēvī crētum: discern, separate
cītus -a -um: swift; citō swiftly
crīmen -inis n.: verdict, accusation
nōn: not
noster nostra nostrum: our
quis- quae- quidque: each one, everyone
suus -a -um: his own, her own, its own
videō vidēre vīdī vīsum: see
vitium -ī n.: flaw, fault, crime