Currus Mentis
Ira, cupido, metus, mentis quoque gaudia currus:
Esto auriga bonus; rex eris ista regens.
Source: Iohannes Pignevvart (1624), Cato Bernardinus. Meter: Elegiac.
Anger, desire, fear, (Ira, cupido, metus) and joys also (quoque gaudia) are the chariot of the mind (mentis currus): be a good chariot-driver (Esto auriga bonus); you will be a king (rex eris) if you can control those things (ista regens).
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list.
There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
aurīga (aurīgae, m.): charioteer, driver
bonus -a -um: good
cupīdo -inis f.: desire, eagerness, craving
currus -ūs m.: chariot
gaudium -ī n.: delight, joy, pleasure
īra irae f.: wrath, anger
iste ista istud: that, that of yours; adv. istīc or istūc: over there; istinc: from over there
mēns mentis f.: mind
metus -ūs m.: fear, dread
quoque: also, too
regō regere rēxī rectum: guide, rule
rēx rēgis m.: king
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist