Lex Omnibus Una
Vivis et ut vivas longum precor, attamen ibis
Quo reliqui; lex est omnibus una: mori.
Source: François Oudin (1673-1752), Silva Distichorum, 300. Meter: Elegiac.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
You are alive (vivis) and I pray (et precor) that you live a long time (ut vivas longum), and yet you will go (attamen ibis) where the rest have gone (quo reliqui); there is one law (lex una est) for all (omnibus): to die (mori).
attamen: and yet
eo īre iī/īvī itum: go
et: and
lēx lēgis: f. law
longus -a -um: long, far; longē: far, far off
morior morī mortuus sum: die
omnis -e: all, every, as a whole
precor -ārī: pray, invoke
qui quae quod: who, which, what / quis quid: who? what? which?
reliquus -a -um: remaining, rest
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
ūnus -a -um: one
ut, uti: as (+ indic.); so that, with the result that (+ subj.)
vīvō vīvere vīxī victum: live