Mente Praesens
Mente mihi es praesens, licet absis corpore, mente
Te fruor et totos te gero mente dies.
Source: Josephus Perez (1627-1694), Hortulus Carminum. Meter: Elegiac. Note the use of licet with the subjunctive: licet absis, "even though you are absent."
You are present to me (mihi es praesens) in my mind (mente), even though you are absent (licet absis corpore) in body (mente); I enjoy you (te fruor) and I bear you in my mind (et te gero mente) all my days (totos dies).
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
licet: although, granted that
absum abesse afuī: be away, absent
corpus corporis n.: body
diēs diēī m./f.: day
ego meī mihi mē: I, me
et: and
fruor fruī frūctus sum: enjoy
gerō gerere gessī gestum: bear, manage; bellum gerere, wage war
mēns mentis f.: mind
praesēns -ntis: present, in person, ready
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
tōtus -a -um: whole, entire
tū tuī tibi tē: you (sing.)