Verae Divitiae
Divitiae non sunt argenti pondus et auri;
Virtutes veras accipe divitias.
Source: Michaelis Verinus (c.1469-c.1487), Disticha. Meter: Elegiac. Note the separate accusative phrases in the second line: virtues veras accipe divitias, "accept virtue [as] the true riches."
Riches are not (divitiae non sunt) a mass of silver (pondus argenti) and of gold (et auri); accept excellent achievements (accipe virtutes) as the true riches (veras divitias).
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. All the words in this poem are on that list:
accipiō -cipere -cēpī -ceptum: receive
argentum -ī n.: silver, money
aurum -ī n.: gold
dīvitiae -ārum f. pl.: riches, wealth
et: and
nōn: not
pondus ponderis n.: weight
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
vērus -a -um: true; vērē, truly
virtūs -ūtis f.: valor, manliness, virtue

(image source - full size poster; poster made with AutoMotivator)