This little poem is from Giuseppe Gatti's Sales Poetici, Proverbiales, et Iocosi, published in 1703.
Quomodo Homo Nobilitatur?
Non pater et mater dant nobilitatis honores;
Moribus at vita nobilitatur homo.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:
nōbilitas (nōbilitātis, f.): excellence, nobility, rank
nōbilitō, nōbilitāre: ennoble, make famous
at: but, but yet
dō dare dedī datum: give
homo hominis m.: human being
honor -ōris m.: honor, glory; office, post
māter mātris f.: mother
mōs mōris m.: custom, habit; (pl.) character
nōn: not
pater patris m.: father, ancestor
vīta -ae f.: life