This poem is from the Hortulus Carminum Selectorum by Josephus Perez (1627-1694).
Frater Fratri Lupus
Nusquam tuta fides, quia amicus fallit amicum
Et frater fratri cernitur esse lupus.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:
lupus (lupī, m.): wolf
nusquam: nowhere, never
amīcus -a -um: friendly; (as subst.) friend
cernō cernere crēvī crētum: discern, separate
et: and
fallō fallere fefellī falsum: deceive
fidēs -eī f.: trust, faith
frāter frātris m.: brother
quia: because
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
tutus -a -um: safe, protected