Friday, July 29, 2011


Here is another distich by John Owen, with an English translation by Thomas Harvey, 7.79.

Pro patria, patribusque mori populoque Latino,
Corde animoque pio Scipio suscipio.

I for my Countrey, Fathers, People, I
Adventure dare, said Scipio, to die.

The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:

Latīnus, -a, -um: Latin, of Latium
Scīpio (Scīpiōnis, m.): Scipio, Roman general

animus -ī m.: spirit, mind
cor cordis n.: heart; cordī est, it is pleasing to (+ dat.)
mōs mōris m.: custom, habit; (pl.) character
pater patris m.: father, ancestor
patria -ae f.: fatherland, country
pius -a -um: dutiful, devoted, just, pious
populus -ī m.: people
prō: for, on behalf of, in proportion to (+abl.)
que (enclitic) - and
suscipio -cipere -cēpī ceptum: take up