Ad Martialem
Dicere de rebus, personis parcere nosti,
Sunt sine felle tui, non sine melle sales.
Persons thou know’st to spare, to speak of things,
All thy Conceits are honyed, have no Stings.
Persons thou know’st to spare, to speak of things,
All thy Conceits are honyed, have no Stings.
Here is the vocabulary:
ad - to, toward
Martialis - Martial
dico - say, speak
de - about, concerning
res - thing, matter
persona - person
parco - spare, be sparing
nosco - know, know how to
sum - be, exist
sine - without
fel - bile, bitterness
tuus - your, yours
non - no, not
mel - honey, sweetness
sal - salt; wit, shrewdness, elegance