Ad Medicos et Iurisconsultos
Ulceribus, Galene, vales tantummodo nostris:
Stultitia nostra, Iustiniane, sapis.
Galen, thine Health doth from our sickness rise;
Justinian, our Folly makes Thee wise.
Galen, thine Health doth from our sickness rise;
Justinian, our Folly makes Thee wise.
Here is the vocabulary:
ad - to, towards
medicus - doctor, physician
et - and
iurisconsultus - lawyer
ulcus - sore, ulcer
Galenus - Galen
valeo - be strong, prevail
tantummodo - only, merely
noster - our, ours
stultitia - foolishness
Iustinianus - Justinian
sapio - taste of, understand, be wise