Labor Omnibus Unus
Doctus apum et studia et mores et iura revolvat,
Qui bene vult populis dicere iura suis.

The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are only two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:
apis, apis f. - bee
revolvo -ere, revolvī, revolūtum - roll back, revolve, turn
bene: well
dīco dīcere dīxī dictum: say; causam dicere, plead a case; diem dicere, appoint a day
doceo -ēre -uī doctum: teach
et: and
iūs iūris n.: right, justice, law
labor -ōris m.: toil, exertion
mōs mōris m.: custom, habit; (pl.) character
omnis -e: all, every, as a whole
populus -ī m.: people
qui, quae, quod: who, which, what; quis quid: who? what? which?
studium -ī n.: eagerness, zeal
suus -a -um: his own, her own, its own
ūnus -a -um: one
volo velle voluī: wish, be willing
revolvo -ere, revolvī, revolūtum - roll back, revolve, turn
bene: well
dīco dīcere dīxī dictum: say; causam dicere, plead a case; diem dicere, appoint a day
doceo -ēre -uī doctum: teach
et: and
iūs iūris n.: right, justice, law
labor -ōris m.: toil, exertion
mōs mōris m.: custom, habit; (pl.) character
omnis -e: all, every, as a whole
populus -ī m.: people
qui, quae, quod: who, which, what; quis quid: who? what? which?
studium -ī n.: eagerness, zeal
suus -a -um: his own, her own, its own
ūnus -a -um: one
volo velle voluī: wish, be willing