Ad Lectore De Suo Libro
Ne tibi non placeant vereor mea carmina, lector
Candide; ne placeant, lector inepte, tibi.
Lest this my Book displease the candid Eye
I fear; and fear lest it with Fools comply.
Lest this my Book displease the candid Eye
I fear; and fear lest it with Fools comply.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are only two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:
ineptus -a -um - silly, inept, foolish
lector, lectōris m. - reader
ad: to, up to, towards (+acc.)
candidus -a -um: white, fair
carmen -inis n.: song
dē: down from, about, concerning (+ abl.)
liber librī m.: book
meus -a -um: my
nē: lest, that not
nōn: not
placeō placēre placuī placitum: please
suus -a -um: his own, her own, its own
tū tuī tibi tē: you (sing.)
vereor verērī veritus sum: fear, stand in awe of