When I observe the Melanchollie Owles,You can see the long-suffering owl there in the emblem! I think we all know how that feels. :-)
Considering with what patience, they sustaine
The many clamours, of the greater Fowles;
And, how the little Chirpers, they disdaine:
When I remember, how, their Injuries
They sleight, (who, causeles give them an offence)
Vouchsafing, scarce to cast aside their eyes
To looke upon that foolish Insolence.
Nequeo Compescere Multos
Perfero; quid faciam? Nequeo compescere multos;
Si vis cedendo vincere, disce pati.
We best shall quiet clamorous Thronges
When, we our selves, can rule our Tongues.
When, we our selves, can rule our Tongues.
Here is the vocabulary:
nequeo - cannot, be unable
compesco - restrain, check, curb
multus - much, many
perfero - bear, endure, suffer
quid - what
facio - do, make
si - if
volo - wish, will, want
cedo - yield
vinco - win, defeat
disco - learn
patior - suffer, experience