Qui Amat, Uritur
Nescio quid sit amor: nec amo, nec amor, nec amavi,
Sed scio, si quis amat, uritur igne gravi.
Source: Philosophia Patrum (ed. Wegeler), 672. Meter: Elegiac. Note the end-line rhyme: amavi-gravi.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
I don't know (nescio) what love is (quid sit amor): I don't love (nec amo), I'm not loved (nec amor), nor have I loved (nec amavi), but I know (sed scio), is someone loves (si quis amat) that person is burned (uritur) with a serious fire (igne gravi).
ūrō, ūrere: burn, inflame, scorch
aliquis -quae -quod: some, any; si quis, si quid: anyone who, anything that
amo -āre: to love
amor -ōris m.: love
gravis -e: heavy
īgnis -is m.: fire
neque, nec: and not, nor; neque . . . neque, neither . . . nor
nescio -scīre: not know, be ignorant
qui, quae, quod: who, which, what; quis quid: who? what? which?
scio -īre -īvī/-iī -ītum: know
sed: but
sī: if
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist