Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ius Poli

242     -     243     -     244

Ius Poli 
Quod tibi vis fieri, mihi fac; quod non tibi, noli:
Sic potes in terris vivere iure poli.

Source: Andreas Gartner, Proverbialia Dicteria (1578). Meter: Elegiac. As you can see the law of heaven, ius poli, is what we also call the Golden Rule!

What you want (quod vis) to be done to you (tibi fieri), do to me (mihi fac); don't do (noli) what you don't want done to you (quod non tibi): in this way you can (sic potes) live on earth (in terris vivere) by the law of heaven (iure poli).

The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:

polus (polī, m.): pole, sky, heaven

ego me mihi mē: I, me
facio facere fēcī factum: do, make
in: in, on (+ abl.); into onto (+ acc)
iūs iūris n.: right, justice, law
nōlo nōlle, nōluī: be unwilling
nōn: not
possum posse potuī: be able
qui, quae, quod: who, which, what; quis quid: who? what? which?
sīc: in this manner, thus; sīc . . . ut, in the same way as
terra -ae f.: land
tū tuī tibi tē: you (sing.)
vīvo -ere vīxī victum: live
volo velle voluī: wish, be willing