Friday, March 16, 2012

Homo Histrio

Here is today's distich by John Owen, with an English translation by Thomas Harvey, 4.39.

Homo Histrio
Spes argumentum vitae (nam fabula vita est),
Mundus scena, fides prologus, actus amor.

Hope is Lifes Argument (for Life’s a Fable):
World, Scene: Faith, Prologue: Acts are Love unstable.

Here is the vocabulary:

homo - person, man
histrio - actor
spes - hope
argumentum - evidence, reason, subject
vita - life
nam - for, the fact is
fabula - play, story
sum - be, exist
mundus - world
scena - stage, theater
fides - faith
prologus - prologue
actus - act
amor - love