Here, we an Aged-man described have,The emblem does indeed show the man still learning even as he is about to go into the grave while the sun is setting also. I could aspire to the same; this inclination to lifelong learning is one that I share wholeheartedly!
That hath one foot, already, in the Grave:
And, if you marke it (though the Sunne decline,
And horned Cynthia doth begin to shine)
With open booke, and, with attentive eyes,
Himselfe, to compasse Knowledge, he applyes:
And, though that Evening, end his last of dayes,
Yet, I will study, more to learne, he sayes.
From this, we gather, that, while time doth last,
The time of learning, never will be past;
And, that, each houre, till we our life lay downe,
Still, something, touching life, is to be knowne.
Tamen Discam
Et licet in tumbam pes decidat alter et alter
Vivat adhuc; studiis invigilabo tamen.
To Learning, I a love should have
Although one foot were in the Grave.
Although one foot were in the Grave.

Here is the vocabulary:
tamen - but, nevertheless
disco - learn
et - and, even
licet - although
in - in, into
tumba - tomb
pes - foot
decido - fall, sink, drop
alter - other, another
vivo - live
adhuc - thus far, still, yet
studium - eagerness, pursuit, study
invigilo - stay awake, be diligent