With many other such like SacrificesCompare the words of Psalm 50: Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus; cor contritum et humiliatum. As we've seen before in Rollenhagen, the tetragrammaton is used as a visual sign of the presence of God.
Men come to God: but, he such gifts despises:
For, neither gifts, nor workes, nor any thing
(Which we can either doe, or say, or bring,)
Accepted is of God; untill he finde
A Spirit-humbled, and a troubled-minde.
A contrite Heart, is that, and, that alone,
Which God with love, and pitie, lookes upon.
Such he affects; therefore (Oh Lord) to thee;
Such, let my Heart, and, such, my Spirit bee.
Sacrificium Deo Cor Contribulatum
Hostia grata Deo mens vero attrita dolore;
Cum delicta premunt, hostia sacra Deo.
The Sacrifice, God loveth best
Are Broken-hearts, for Sin, opprest.
Are Broken-hearts, for Sin, opprest.

Here is the vocabulary:
sacrificium - sacrifice
deus - God
cor - heart
contribulo - crushed, bruised
hostia - victim, sacrificial animal
gratus - welcome, pleasing
mens - mind
vero - truly
attero - rub, grind, wear out
dolor - grief, pain
cum - when
delictum - fault, crime, sin
premo - press, press down
sacer - sacred, holy