Spiritus Sanctus
Ut semper veniunt ad candida tecta columbae,
Ingreditur sanctus candida corda Deus.
As Doves to whitest Houses soonest come,
So th’ holy God makes cleanest Hearts his home.
As Doves to whitest Houses soonest come,
So th’ holy God makes cleanest Hearts his home.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
columba - dove, pigeon
ad: to, up to, towards (+acc.)
candidus -a -um: white, fair
cor cordis n.: heart; cordī est, it is pleasing to (+ dat.)
deus -ī m.; dea -ae f. god; goddess
īngredior -gredī -gressus sum: step in, enter
sānctus -a -um: sacred, inviolable
semper: always, ever
spīritus -ūs m.: breath, life, spirit
tēctum -ī n.: roof; building, house
ut, uti: as (+ indic.); so that, with the result that (+ subj.)
veniō venīre vēnī ventum: come