Spiritus Durissima Coquit
Magno animo fortis perferre pericula suevit
Ullo nec facile frangitur ille metu.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are three words which are not on the DCC list:
coquō, -ere, coxī, coctum - cook, bake, boil
perferō, perferre, pertulī, perlātum - carry through, bear till the end
suescō, -ere, suēvī, suētum - become used to, grow accustomed
animus -ī m.: spirit, mind
dūrus -a -um: hard, tough, harsh
facilis -e: easy
fortis -e: brave
frangō frangere frēgī frāctum: break, shatter
ille illa illud: that
māgnus -a -um great
metus -ūs m.: fear, dread
neque nec: and not, nor; neque . . . neque, neither . . . nor
perīculum -ī n.: danger
spīritus -ūs m.: breath, life, spirit
ūllus -a -um: any, anyone