Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dimidium Facti

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Dimidium Facti 
Incipe: dimidium facti est coepisse; supersit
Dimidium: rursum hoc incipe, et efficies.

Source: Ausonius (c.310-c.394), in Nihus (1642). Meter: Elegiac.

The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:

Begin! (incipe) To have begun (coepisse) is half of the deed (dimidium facti est); half remains (supersit dimidium); so begin it again (rursum hoc incipe), and you will be done (et efficies)!

dīmidius, -a, -um - half, broken in half

coepī coepisse coeptus: have begun
efficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectum: bring about, complete; render (+ ut + subj.)
et: and
faciō facere fēcī factum: do, make
hic haec hoc: this; hōc: on this account
incipiō -cipere -cēpī -ceptum: begin
rūrsus: back, again
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
supersum -esse -fuī: be above; remain, survive