Nemo Sine Crimine
Si vitam inspicias hominum, si denique mores,
Cum culpant alios, nemo sine crimine vivit.
If on men's lives and deeds thou look'st, thou'lt see
That from those faults they blame, not one is free.
Test but the life and ways of them who blame
Their fellows; all, you'll find, have faults the same.
That from those faults they blame, not one is free.
Test but the life and ways of them who blame
Their fellows; all, you'll find, have faults the same.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:
culpō, culpāre: blame, find fault with
inspiciō, inspicere: examine, inspect
alius -a -um: other, another; alias: at another time
crīmen -inis n.: verdict, accusation
cum: with (prep. + abl.); when, since, although (conjunction + subj.)
dēnique: finally
homo hominis m.: human being
mōs mōris m.: custom, habit; (pl.) character
nēmo: no one (gen. nullius, dat. nulli, abl. nullo or nulla > nullus -a -um)
sī: if
sine: without (+ abl.)
vīta -ae f.: life
vīvō vīvere vīxī victum: live