This is one of the riddles from Wilhelm Binder's Flores Aenigmatum Latinorum (1857).
Quis Est?
Dic mihi, quis quartam totius perdidit orbis
Partem? Cuius erat tam scelerata manus ?
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are only two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:
quartus, -a, -um: fourth
scelerātus, -a, -um: criminal, wicked
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictum: say; causam dicere, plead a case; diem dicere, appoint a day
ego meī mihi mē: I, me
manus -ūs m.: hand; band of men
orbis -is m.: circle; orbis terrārum: world
pars partis f.: part
perdō -dere -didī -ditum: destroy
qui quae quod: who, which, what / quis quid: who? what? which?
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
tam: so
tōtus -a -um: whole, entire