Adulator et Invidus
Zoilus et Gnatho non re, sed nomine, distant.
Virtutem ille bonis invidet, iste malis.
These differ not in Nature but in Name,
This Good, that Bad maligneth: Both to blame.
These differ not in Nature but in Name,
This Good, that Bad maligneth: Both to blame.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are two words which are not on the DCC list:
disto, distāre - to to stand apart, be separate, be different
invideo -ēre, invīdī, invīsum - envy, be jealous, begrudge
Gnatho - Gnatho, proverbial for adultation and flattery
Zoilus - Zoilus, proverbial for envy and criticism
bonus -a -um: good
et: and
ille, illa, illud: that
iste, ista, istud: that, that of yours; adv. istīc or istūc, over there; istinc, from over there
malus -a -um: evil
nōmen -inis n.: name
nōn: not
rēs reī f.: thing (rēs pūblica, commonwealth; rēs familiāris, family property, estate; rēs mīlitāris, art of war; rēs novae, revolution)
sed: but
virtūs -ūtis f.: valor, manliness, virtue