De Vita et Morte
Una via est vitae, moriendi mille figurae.
Est bene: nam mors est res bona, vita mala.
One way to Life, to Dath a thousand’s had;
’Tis well Death is a good thing, Life a bad.
One way to Life, to Dath a thousand’s had;
’Tis well Death is a good thing, Life a bad.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:
figūra f. - form, shape, figure
bene: well
bonus -a -um: good
dē: down from, about, concerning (+ abl.)
et: and
malus -a -um: bad, evil; male: (adv.) badly
mille (pl.) milia: thousand
morior morī mortuus sum: die
mors mortis f.: death
nam or namque: for, indeed, really
rēs reī f.: thing (rēs pūblica, commonwealth; rēs familiāris, family property, estate; rēs mīlitāris, art of war; rēs novae, revolution)
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
ūnus -a -um: one
via -ae f.: way, street
vīta -ae f.: life