Ubi Helena, Ibi Troia
Certe ubi Tyndaris est, ibi Troia; ubi bella puella
Bella movet telis aemula turba est suis.
Where Hellen is, there, will be Warre;
For, Death and Lust, Companions are.
For, Death and Lust, Companions are.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are only two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list, plus three proper names:
aemulus -a -um - striving, emulating, jealous, envious
Helena - Helen
pretty, handsome, charming
Troia - Troy
Tyndaris - daughter of Tyndareus = Helen
bellum -ī n.: war
certus -a -um: sure, fixed; certē, certainly, surely
ibi: there
moveō -ēre mōvī mōtum: move
puella -ae f.: girl; girl-friend
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist
suus -a -um: his own, her own, its own
tēlum -ī n.: missile, weapon, spear
turba -ae f.: crowd, uproar
ubi: where, when