Monday, February 27, 2012

Facies Veneris

156     -     157     -     158

Facies Veneris
Quid facies, facies Veneris cum veneris ante?
Ne sedeas, sed eas, ne pereas per eas.

Source: Philosophia Patrum (ed. Wegeler), 1013. Meter: Elegiac. This poem is full of puns! There is facies and the noun facies, and then there is the goddess Venus in the genitive and the verb veneris in the first line. In the second line, we have the verb sedeas and then sed eas, and finally the verb pereas and the prepositional phrase per eas.

The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There is only one word in this poem that is not on the DCC list:

Venus (Veneris, f.): Venus, goddess of love, love

ante: before, in front of (adv. and prep. + acc.)
cum: with (prep. + abl.); when, since, although (conjunction + subj.)
eo īre iī/īvī itum: go
faciēs -ēī f.: form, appearance
facio facere fēcī factum: do, make
is ea, id: he, she, it; eō, there, to that place
nē: lest, that not
per: through (+acc.)
pereo -īre -iī -itum: perish, be lost
qui, quae, quod: who, which, what; quis quid: who? what? which?
sed: but
sedeo -ēre sēdī sessum: sit
venio -īre vēnī ventum: come