This is an item from Anton Moker's Decalogus metricus et paraenetica disticha, published in 1573. You can see the book at GoogleBooks.
Senes Pueros Ducunt
Qui dux non malus est, comitem non reddit iniquum;
Addiscunt pueri, quae cecinere senes.
The vocabulary is keyed to the DCC Latin Vocabulary list. There are two words in this poem that are not on the DCC list:
addiscō, addiscere: learn
inīquus, -a, -um: unequal, unjust
canō canere cecinī cantum: sing
comes comitis m./f.: companion, comrade; attendant, follower
dūcō dūcere dūxī ductum: lead; uxōrem dūcere, marry
dux ducis m./f.: leader, general
malus -a -um: bad, evil; male: (adv.) badly
nōn: not
puer puerī m.: boy; slave
qui quae quod: who, which, what / quis quid: who? what? which?
reddō -dere -didī -ditum: return, give back
senex -is m.: old man, elder; senior, older
sum, esse, fuī: be, exist